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Spring Trio Mouth Yelper Combo Pack

Spring Trio Mouth Yelper Combo Pack

★★★★★ (1)
This mouth yelper combo pack includes 3 of our popular turkey calls: Grand Slam, Misbehaving, and Spring Vapor. Each of these handmade calls is crafted of lightweight materials and is designed for easy use. FREE SHIPPING!
  • Grand Slam is a 2 & 1/2 reed ghost cut. It is made with lightweight material which makes it effortless to run. This call is killer for soft yelping, clucks, purrs, kee kees, whistles, and whines, which we call the closing game. It also makes some great-sounding mid-volume yelps with a slight bit of rasp and even gobbles really nice.
  • Missbehaving is a 2 reed batwing made up of all lightweight materials which makes it extremely user-friendly. This call offers the most rasp of the three mouth yelpers that we offer. It is great for loud yelping and cutting to release those shock gobbles. Pull back on the air a little and it will give you some really nice mid-volume raspy yelps and clucks. It also offers some realistic jakes yelps and fighting purrs.
  • Spring Vapor is a 2 reed V cut made up of all lightweight materials which make it effortless to run. This call has medium rasp that is great for yelping and cutting, while still being able to purr and cluck really nice, It also offers some really good Jake sounds and gobbles if that suits your fancy.

We started on this journey with a passion as turkey hunters, to make calls for turkey hunters. We don't have a Grand National Champion promoting our calls. We set out to make calls which are comprised of 3 things... User-friendliness, high-quality craftsmanship, and a superior authentic sound. These mouth yelpers are no different. We would be honored for you to allow us to assist you this Turkey season. Good luck and stay NTune with Nature!
$34.99 USD

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